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Add password eye toggles + autofill hints to FMD PIN and FMD Server password fields

This MR adds password eye toggles and autofill hints to the FMD PIN and FMD Server password fields.

Note: With KeepassDX, autofill works rather "meh". E.g. in the FMD Server registration it only fills the second password first, but not the first. And the registration token is not autofilled at all. The only view that is filled well is the "Login" dialog. As far as I understand it, this is outside of our control. We can provide autofill hints (== this MR). Then it is up to the autofill service (e.g. KeepassDX, 1Password, Bitwarden, etc.) to select which data it wants to fill in. We did our part of the equation.


Edited by Thore Göbel

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