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  • i.fusion.hpf is a GRASS-GIS module to combine high-resolution panchromatic data with lower resolution multispectral data, resulting in an output with both excellent detail and a realistic representation of original multispectral scene colors.

    The process involves a convolution using a High Pass Filter (HPF) on the high resolution data, then combining this with the lower resolution multispectral data.

    Optionally, a linear histogram matching technique is performed in a way that matches the resulting Pan-Sharpened imaged to them statistical mean and standard deviation of the original multi-spectral image.

    Source: Gangkofner, 2008

    Algorithm description

    1. Computing ratio of low (Multi-Spectral) to high (Panchromatic) resolutions

    2. High Pass Filtering the Panchromatic Image

    3. Resampling MSX image to the higher resolution

    4. Adding weighted High-Pass-Filetred image to the upsampled MSX image

    5. Optionally, matching histogram of Pansharpened image to the one of the original MSX image

    From the original paper

    Step 1: HP Filtering of the High-resolution Image to Extract the Structural Detail

    Step 2: Adding the HP Filtered Image to Each Band of the Multispectral Image Using a Standard Deviation-based Injection Model

    Step 3: Linear Histogram Match to Adapt SD and Mean of the Merged Image Bands to Those of the Original MS Image Bands

    Figure 1:

    +                                                                            +
    | Pan Img ->  High Pass Filter  ->  HP Img                                   |
    |                                      |                                     |
    |                                      v                                     |
    | MSx Img ->  Weighting Factors ->  Weighted HP Img                          |
    |       |                              |                                     |
    |       |                              v                                     |
    |       +------------------------>  Addition to MSx Img  =>  Fused MSx Image |



    see GRASS Addons SVN repository, README file, Installation - Code Compilation


    Installing the i.fusion.hpf script, from within any GRASS-GIS ver. 7.x session, may be done via the following ways:

    From a remote git repository

    To install the script from its gitlab repository:

    1. launch a GRASS-GIS ver. 7.x session

    2. g.extension i.fusion.hpf url=

    From a local directory

    1. launch a GRASS-GIS ver. 7.x session

    2. navigate into the script’s source directory

    3. execute make MODULE_TOPDIR=$GISBASE


    After installation, from within a GRASS-GIS session, see help details via i.fusion.hpf --help -- also provided here:

     Fusing high resolution Panchromatic and low resolution Multi-Spectral data based on the High-Pass Filter Addition technique (Gangkofner, 2008)
     imagery, fusion, HPF, HPFA
     i.fusion.hpf [-l2c] pan=filename msx=filename(s)[,filename(s),...]
       outputsuffix=suffix string [ratio=rational number] [center=string]
       [center2=string] [modulation=string] [modulation2=string] [--overwrite]
       [--help] [--verbose] [--quiet]
      -l   Linearly match histogram of Pan-sharpened output to Multi-Spectral input
      -2   2-Pass Processing (recommended) for large resolution ratio (>=5.5)
      -c   Match color table of Pan-Sharpened output to Multi-Spectral input
     --o   Allow output files to overwrite existing files
     --h   Print usage summary
     --v   Verbose module output
     --q   Quiet module output
               pan   High resolution Panchromatic image
               msx   Low resolution Multi-Spectral image(s)
            suffix   Suffix for output image(s)
                      Names of Pan-Sharpened image(s) will end with this suffix
                     default: hpf
             ratio   Custom ratio
                      Custom ratio overriding standard calculation
                     options: 1.0-10.0
            center   Center cell value
                      Center cell value of the High-Pass-Filter
                     options: low,mid,high
                     default: low
           center2   2nd Pass center cell value
                      Center cell value for the second High-Pass-Filter (use -2 flag)
                     options: low,mid,high
                     default: low
        modulation   Modulation level
                      Modulation level weighting the HPF image determining crispness
                     options: min,mid,max
                     default: mid
       modulation2   2nd Pass modulation level (use -2 flag)
                      Modulation level weighting the second HPF image determining crispness (use -2 flag)
                     options: min,mid,max
                     default: mid
                      min: Minimum: 0.25
                      mid: Mid: 0.35
                      max: Maximum: 0.5
              trim   Trimming factor
                      Trim output border pixels by a factor of the pixel size of the low resolution image. A factor of 1.0 may suffice.


    • easy to use, i.e.:

      • for one band i.fusion.hpf pan=Panchromatic msx=${Band}
      • for multiple bands i.fusion.hpf pan=Panchromatic msx=Red,Green,Blue,NIR
    • easy to test various parameters that define the High-Pass filter’s kernel size and center value

    • should work with any kind of imagery (think of bitness)

    • the "black border" effect, possibly caused due to a non-perfect match of the high vs. the low resolution of the input images, can be trimmed out by using the trim option --a floating point "trimming factor" with which to multiply the pixel size of the low resolution image-- and shrink the extent of the output image

    Implementation notes

    • First commit on Sat Oct 25 12:26:54 2014 +0300

    • Working state reached on Tue Nov 4 09:28:25 2014 +0200

    To Do

    • Go through

    • Access input raster by row I/O ?

    • Proper command history tracking. Not all "r" modules do it... ?

    • Add timestamps (r.timestamp)

    • Deduplicate code where applicable

    • Make the -v messages shorter, yet more informative (ie report center cell)

    • Test. Will it compile in other systems?

    • Checking options to integrate in i.pansharpen. Think of FFM methods vs. Others?

    • Who else to thank? Transfer from archive/

    • Improve Documentation.lyx


    • To Ask!


    • Gangkofner, U. G., Pradhan, P. S., and Holcomb, D. W. (2008). Optimizing the high-pass filter addition technique for image fusion. PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ENGINEERING & REMOTE SENSING, 74(9):1107–1118.

    • “ERDAS IMAGINE.” Accessed March 19, 2015.

    • Aniruddha Ghosh & P.K. Joshi (2013) Assessment of pan-sharpened very high-resolution WorldView-2 images, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 34:23, 8336-8359
