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  • Nico Linder's avatar
    some first steps towards a WebWindow, but not working for now.. · 75e95360
    Nico Linder authored
    add a first basic structure for the main window
    show game list correctly
    * load installed games on startup
    some small structure changes
    * add list support for windows
    * show icons on windows
    make work again, if no icon was given
    update dependencies, try to make CefGlue work
    some changes happend while trying to make CefGlue work...
    diverse small changes everywhere
    update to Avalonia 0.7.0
    fix AvaloniaApp after rebase
    some further extensions
    make authentication work in GUI application
    first nontested version of installation routine
    try to convert to fsharp
    remove paket and try to make IDE more stable
    try to tidy up and make it work
    add README and adjust some settings
    restore ConsoleApp
    add readme to consoleapp project
    add DownloadWindow