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Add: Collabora CODE service

T T requested to merge kaventi123/HomelabOS:add_collabora_code into dev

This pull request adds the Collabora CODE service. It's an office suite usually used with Nextcloud.

  • This package is Open Source.
  • The ansible role to install this package has been created.
  • The documentation page for this package has been added.
  • mkdocs.yml has been updated with a link to this package's documentation.
  • The package has been added to group_vars/all under the # Enabled List, services:, and services: sections.
  • The package has been added to group_vars/all as a standalone section.
  • The package has been added to docs/
  • The package has been added to for the version currently in development.
  • The package has been added to roles/homelabos_config/templates/config.yml.j2 under the # Services List section.
  • The package has been added to roles/homelabos_config/templates/config.yml.j2 as a standalone section with subsection https_only and auth, if needed.
  • This ansible template uses the password module for security.
  • This Merge Request follows the contributing guidelines.

After some testing it looks OK. I am able to edit Excel and Word documents.


Edited by T T

Merge request reports