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Fix traefik "additional_env_var" not saving

Came across a bug when entering key/value pairs under additional_env_var for the traefik configuration in the vault. I think this stems from moving secrets that were originally in config.yml into vault.yml

I wanted to setup Traefik to use DNS challenge with Namecheap. But whenever I saved the following in the vault


it was being overwritten. with the default

CF_API_EMAIL: "{{ vault.traefik.additional_env_vars.CF_API_EMAIL }}"
CF_API_KEY: "{{ vault.traefik.additional_env_vars.CF_API_KEY }}"

I've updated both the vault.yml and config.yml to loop over the addition_env_var variable. The only issue I've come across is that on the initial run the defaults I added within the else statement in vault.yml don't make it into config.yml until the second time make is run.

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