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Prefer homelab_ip over asible_ssh_host for pihole config

Xavier Cambar requested to merge xcambar/HomelabOS:pihole_host into master

I have found myself in a situation where I needed to have different values for homelab_ip and ansible_ssh_host, and I have discovered that it makes more sense to refer to homelab_ip.

The story goes as such: I wanted all the services to only be accessible via VPN, that meant the host would only have 22 (SSH) and 1194/udp (VPN) open. In this config, ansible_ssh_host refers to the public IP of the server, where port 22 is attached, while homelab_ip refers to the IP of the server within the VPN.

As such, all the config of pihole here were meant to point to homelab_ip rather than ansible_ssh_user.

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