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Bulletproofing Nextcloud

Kevin Poorman requested to merge Bulletproof-Nextcloud into dev

Total Revamp of the Nextcloud service.

Based on official Nextcloud 18 images. (upgrading to 19 should be painless) Runs as unprivledged user - for uid/gid access to storage_dir resources As much tuning as I remeber how to do with php, may it die in a fire. Redis for caching - validated to be working Postgres for Database - because I hate mariadb Mounts persistent volumes for config, apps, themes and the webroot Pre-configures database, and default user/pass Mounts {{Storage_dir}}:/mnt/homelabos to give Nextcloud access to default HLOS Storage repos

This has been tested every way I can imagine, but I’m not a big nextcloud user so exercising the features

Also, there’s no migration path from Mariadb based installs to Postgress installs outside of using an NC backup app, and restoring that later. You have been Warned

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