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Fixes pi-hole config

Xavier Cambar requested to merge xcambar/HomelabOS:pi-hole-config into master

Pi-hole, as it was configured, was not working for me on a fresh Ubuntu 18.04 (even as the only enabled service).

I've had to modify the configuration as per this PR to make it work:

  • expose the port 53: make it accept DNS queries from anywhere
  • Make pi-hole in the same network as traefik so that traefik can show the dashboard
  • indicate a default DNS + deactivate systemd-resolved: this one was trickier, as pihole needs to expose the port 53 to be available and the system needs a DNS resolver. Using the dns option of docker was a way to bypass the unloaded systemd-resolved and also provides a great state-of-the-art DNS to refer to.

Let me know what you think.

Merge request reports