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Release 1.2.1

Mikołaj Rybiński requested to merge release-1.2.1 into devel

Please do check documentation for both newly exposed functions.

Please note that the get.inpind.parval.taxaprop.traits function seems a bit problematic:

  1. argument to be useful seems like requiring some other internal functions (e.g. or, and

  2. seems like the function has a bug, when using only trait.names argument, without the agument - the parameter names are accumulated over subsequent traits; do run the example from documentation to observe that.

Moreover, I've adjusted CI to use R 4.0.4 (on Linux) and run a local check via R Studio using most recent R 4.0.5. In both cases there is only one warning about use of non-portable compilation flags, which is not an issue in terms of CRAN submission (depends on OS but also on flags used for R installation; for CI report see: Please do run also a check on Windows and if all good, you could proceed with the submission +/- the two issues above.

Additionally, if things get delayed a bit, and you need to update in future the date for the 1.2.1 release, please note that it should be updated in both DESCRIPTION and files.

Merge request reports