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Siad -M, --modules flag

Created by: VoidingWarranties

Specify modules for siad to load using the -M or --modules flag. Modules are specified by the first letter of the name. E.g. the default modules loaded are consensus (c), gateway (g), host (h), miner (m), renter (r), transaction pool (t), and wallet (w). This is equivalent to siad --modules cghmrtw.

On startup a status message is printed as each module is loaded. E.g.

$ siad
(1/7) Loading gateway...
(2/7) Loading consensus...
(3/7) Loading transaction pool...
(4/7) Loading wallet...
(5/7) Loading miner...
(6/7) Loading host...
(7/7) Loading renter...
Finished loading in 167.819140245 seconds

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