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Wallet polish

David Vorick requested to merge wallet-polish into master

A number of 'polishing' things have been implemented here:

  • there's now an api call + siac command to view all of the addresses known to the wallet in sorted order
  • /wallet/seeds [POST] -> /wallet/load/seed [POST]
  • 25 keys are now preloaded into the wallet. This should reduce some amount of confusion for miners who mine using a single wallet file. Also helps a bit if someone is loading an old backup incorrectly. 25 is probably too low, I think it should be closer to 250, but since that delays startup time by a few seconds I've elected to keep it low until most of the startup routines are happening in the background.

Still on my todo list for 0.4.1:

  • API + siac support for loading siag keys (it's already implemented in the wallet)
  • siac command to view a list of transactions related to the wallet + the net balance for each transaction
  • more unit tests

Wallet is really starting to come together as a finished product. At least, until we decide to start using a database to house the transactions and such =/. But that's not going to be soon.

Merge request reports