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Add batching to MDM

Christopher Schinnerl requested to merge chris/mdm-batching into master


MR Guidelines


This adds batching to instructions. That means when we are done executing an instruction and the next one has i.Batch() == true, we wait for that instruction to be done as well before sending the response over the wire.

This allows us to preserve bandwidth for programs with lots of fast instructions like HasSector.


Review and complete the checklist to ensure that the MR is complete before assigned to an approver.

  • All new methods or updated methods have clear docstrings
  • Testing added or updated for new methods
  • Any new packages are added to Makefile and .gitlab-ci.yml
  • API documentation updated for API updates
  • Module updated for changes to workflow
  • Issue added to Sia-UI repo for new supporting features
  • Changelog File Created

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