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Eliminate nonsense logic during contract negotiation

Created by: huetsch

This one left me scratching my head for a couple days.

The 3rd field returned by TransactionBuilder.ViewAdded() is a slice of SiafundInput indices.

When the host sets up the collateral transaction, the code was taking this (empty) list of SiafundInputs indices and treating them as SiacoinOutput indices. The host was then gathering up an empty slice of SiacoinOutputs based on these indices and sending it back to the renter, which was trying to put them into the final transaction to be submitted to the blockchain with the FileContract.

None of it really makes any sense to me, as there shouldn't be any SiacoinOutputs in that FileContract transaction.

The code was harmless in execution but it should be eliminated from the codebase because it is very confusing.

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