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Detect when local file is lost before 1x redundancy

Matthew Sevey requested to merge lost-file-on-upload into master

@DavidVorick @ChrisSchinnerl I want to check and see if I was going down the right path with this one.

So far I added a message in siac renter -v under the upload progress to notify the user that the local file was not found before 1x redundancy was reached. I also added a log in managedBuildChunkHeap() noting that the local file was lost.

Couple questions:

  1. Are there other locations, or better locations to capture this?
  2. Are there additional steps that we should take when we identify this? Or should we just notify the user and leave it up to them to decide what to do?

@mtlynch This PR is to resolve #2488 (closed)

Merge request reports