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Convert last 3-4 inconsistent API document styles to dominant style

Christopher Schinnerl requested to merge rudibs:rudi-fix-api-comment-style into master

Created by: rudibs

seems like these few are the last ones

Sia git:(rudi-fix-siac-readme) grep '/[a-z][a-z]*/' **/*.go |grep -v post  | grep '/[$][(]'
api/wallet.go:	// /wallet/transaction/$(id)
api/wallet.go:	// /wallet/transaction/$(addr)
api/wallet.go:		WriteError(w, Error{"error when calling /wallet/transaction/$(id): transaction not found"}, http.StatusBadRequest)
api/wallet_test.go:// TestWalletTransactionGETid queries the /wallet/transaction/$(id)
api/wallet_test.go:	// /wallet/transaction/$(id)
➜  Sia git:(rudi-fix-api-comment-style) ✗ 

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