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Add offset, length, async, http response parameters to download.

Christopher Schinnerl requested to merge RNabel:chunk_download into master

Created by: RNabel

  • Creates a new siad endpoint at /renter/downloadchunk/<path>?destination=<dst>&chunkindex=<cind>
  • Adds a new siac command: siac renter downloadchunk [path] [chunk index] [destination] (analog to the order of args in renter download)
  • Refactors the download.go and downloadqueue.go to minimize duplicated logic.
  • Extends the download struct to store metadata for the special case of a chunk download. It could be changed to handle a whole file download as a special case of a chunk download, but this would add a lot of complexity.

This could be the basis for repairing files which are not stored locally.

Merge request reports