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More Build.Vars

Luke Champine requested to merge build into master

Also prevent unkeyed Var literals, and make Select more restrictive wrt assignability,

One unintended consequence is that you can't write:

var foo = build.Select(build.Var{
    Standard: 1,
    Dev:      2,
    Testing:  3,

Because the numbers will be interpreted as ints, causing the type assertion to fail. In the old pattern, they were interpreted as constants, so they could be automatically converted to the function's return type. Now you have to explicitly cast them:

var foo = build.Select(build.Var{
    Standard: uint64(1),
    Dev:      uint64(2),
    Testing:  uint64(3),

Which is unfortunate, but not the end of the world.

As discussed, the other modules will remain unconverted for now.

Merge request reports