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Print correct line numbers in auxiliary logger methods

Christopher Schinnerl requested to merge logger-lines into master

Created by: VoidingWarranties

I noticed that lines logged with our auxiliary logger methods (log.Debug, log.Critical, etc...) all had "log.go" as the file in the output. Not very useful. Now they print the name of the file one up the call stack. before:

2016/05/06 22:22:47.512103 log.go:66: STARTUP: Logging has started.
2016/05/06 22:22:47.514772 gateway.go:154: INFO: gateway created, started logging
2016/05/06 22:22:47.514772 log.go:32: INFO: example line logged with log.Debug
2016/05/06 22:22:47.872444 log.go:55: SHUTDOWN: Logging has terminated.


2016/05/06 22:22:47.512103 gateway.go:114: STARTUP: Logging has started.
2016/05/06 22:22:47.514772 gateway.go:154: INFO: gateway created, started logging
2016/05/06 22:22:47.514772 gateway_test.go:100: INFO: example line logged with log.Debug
2016/05/06 22:22:47.872444 gateway.go:88: SHUTDOWN: Logging has terminated.

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