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Sync bug fixes

Christopher Schinnerl requested to merge sync-bug-fix into master

Created by: VoidingWarranties

This PR fixes 2 major and 1 minor bugs.

Major bugs:

  • SendBlocks was sending the entire blockchain every time (tested in TestRPCSendBlockSendsOnlyNecessaryBlocks)
  • SendBlocks would sometimes fail to send the last block (tested in TestRPCSendBlocks)

Minor bug:

  • blockHistory included the genesis block twice sometimes (when height == step). This doesn't cause any problems, but no reason to not fix it. Even with this fix the genesis block is still included twice (once at blockHistory[0] and once at blockHistory[31]) if the only block is the genesis block, which should only happen during initial blockchain download.

This should dramatically improve syncing performance.

Merge request reports