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  • David Vorick's avatar
    begin the siatest for the foundation hardfork · fa66b61c
    David Vorick authored and Luke Champine's avatar Luke Champine committed
    write the first parts of the foundation siatest
    mine past the hardfork
    make FoundationSubsidyID a method of BlockID
    add FoundationUnlockHashes method
    expose Foundation addrs in API
    be stuck
    compute checksum only after db is fully initialized
    make Foundation updates reorg-safe
    tiny bit of cleanup
    fix test failing, check wallet coins are spendable
    extend siatest to send the first month subsidy to a wallet
    add testing to use the failsafe addr to reset the foundation addr
    transfer up to 24 subsidies when unlock hashes change
    transfer all subsidies when unlock hashes change
    add test verifying that foundation subsidy can be recovered
    remove unneeded TODO
    remove debugging change
    set final hardfork height and subsidy frequency
    align fields in API docs
    scod -> scoid
    extend docstrings and address other minor MR comments
    move some arbitrary data validation checks to types package
    create mineBlock helper function
    improve readability of test
    add timelock test
    fix timelock test