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  • Christopher Roy Bratusek's avatar
    New stuff: · 00465169
    Christopher Roy Bratusek authored
    - use_gitcfg option: only change GIT options if this is set
    - use_keybindingscfg option: only change keybindings if this is set
    - keybindings setter: major improvement in setting keybindings on start up
    - tarxz option: ls colors setting for .tar.xz (default: coldblue)
    - history_timeformat option: option for changing HISTTIMEFORMAT (default: none)
    - update Debian vendor configuration
    - bump ini version to 11
    - string changes in nx-rc
    - remove rc/styles/fallback-rc (set directly in nx-rc in case of emergency)
    - remove ERR_MSG from nx-rc (simply show file errors directly)
To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.