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  • Richard Laager's avatar
    systemd: Remove extra dependencies · dfb51aa4
    Richard Laager authored
    The ntpviz services should not Requires=ntpd.service.  That has the
    effect of starting ntpd.service (if it was stopped) whenever the timer
    fires.  The same applies to ntploggps and gpsd.service.  Instead, we
    should use Requisite.  We also need to do the same for ntp-wait.service;
    while it has no timer, having a Requires=ntpd.service there ends up
    causing the same problem for the ntpviz-* services by way of indirect
    dependencies; this may be a systemd bug.
    Also, instead of having pull in the timers, we have the
    relevant daemon server (ntpd.service or gpsd.service) pull in the
    timers.  This way, if the daemon is not running, the timers don't run
    either.  This is especially important for gpsd.service.  If one doesn't
    have gpsd installed, ntploggps.timer / ntploggps.service would fail.