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  • master default protected
  • mr_1415
  • NTPsec_1_2_3
  • NTPsec_1_2_2a
  • NTPsec_1_2_2
  • NTPsec_1_2_1
  • NTPsec_1_2_0
  • NTPsec_1_1_9
  • NTPsec_1_1_8
  • NTPsec_1_1_7
  • NTPsec_1_1_6
  • NTPsec_1_1_5
  • NTPsec_1_1_4
  • NTPsec_1_1_3
  • NTPsec_1_1_2
  • NTPsec_1_1_1
  • NTPsec_1_1_0
  • NTPsec_1_0_0
  • NTPsec_0_9_8
  • NTPsec_0_9_7
  • NTPsec_0_9_6
  • NTPsec_0_9_5_1
22 results


  • Clone with SSH
  • Clone with HTTPS
  • Gary E. Miller's avatar
    Gary E. Miller authored
    Code is not celan for these warnings.
    = The NTPsec distribution base directory =
    This directory and its subdirectories contain NTPSec, a
    security-hardened implementation of Network Time Protocol Version 4.
    You can browse a summary of differences from legacy NTP here:
    The contents of the base directory are given in this file. The contents of
    subdirectories are usually given in the README files in each subdirectory.
    The base directory ./ contains the configuration files, source
    directories and related stuff:
    INSTALL::	Generic installation instructions.
    NEWS::		What's new in this release.
    README::	This file.
    VERSION::	The version stamp, to be used by scripts and programs.
    attic/:: 	Directory containing source code that is *not* part of a
    		normal installation. Things can disappear from here at any
    buildprep::	Executable script for fetching installation prerequisites.
    contrib/::	Directory containing contributed scripts, dragons dwell here.
    		Some of this might eventually move to being supported code.
    devel/::	Documentation and small tools aimed at developers.
    		Includes a hacking guide and a tour of the internals.
    docs/::		Directory containing a complete set of documentation on
    		building and configuring a NTP server or client. The files
    		are in asciidoc markup.  This replaces the 'html' directory
    		of previous versions, but html can be generated from it.
    etc/::		Directory containing a motley collection of configuration files
    		and launch scripts for various systems. For example
    include/::	Directory containing include header files used by most
    		programs in the distribution.
    libisc/::	Utility code from Internet Systems Consortium.  The local
    		copy has been significantly trimmed and modified.
    libjsmn/::	A minimal JSON library used by the GPSD-JSON driver.
    libntp/::	Directory containing library source code used by most
    		programs in the distribution.
    libparse/:: 	This directory contains the files making up the parser for
    		the parse refclock driver. For reasonably sane clocks
    		this refclock drivers allows a refclock implementation
    		by just providing a conversion routine and the
    		appropriate NTP parameters
    ntpclients/::   Directory containing sources for clients - utility programs
    		to query local and remote NTP installations for log status,
    		state variables, and other timekeeping information.  The term
    		"clients" is used quite loosely here; any tool that is not a
    		not a multi-file C program probably lives in this directory.
    ntpd/::		Sources for the main time-synchronization daemon.
    ntpfrob/::      The ntpfrob utility collects several small diagnostic
    		functions for reading and tweaking the local clock
    		hardware, including reading the clock tick rate,
    		precision, and jitter.
    ntptime/:: 	Directory containing a utility for reading and modifying
    		kernel parameters related to the local clock.
    pylib/::	Installable Python helper classes for scripts.
    tests/::	Self-test code.
    waf::		A copy of the waf builder.  This is the engine used to configure
    		and build the codebase.
    wafhelpers/::	A library of Python procedures used by the waf build system.
    wscript::	NTP-specific waf rules.
    www/::		Sample ntpviz files
    // end