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remove raja related docs

Weile Wei requested to merge WeileWei/ into main

remove raja related pages since there is no active raja development at NERSC.

This MR will solve the ticket #298 (closed).

After this MR, if one search raja, one will only see raja keywords in e4s project description.

wwei@DOE7632155 % grep -irl raja *

Submitters and reviewers please make sure

  • [x ] internal links are relative and to the .md file
  • [x ] avoid links named "here"
  • [x ] alt-text for images is descriptive
  • [x ] doesn't duplicate existing content
  • [x ] spell check
  • [x ] renders correctly
  • [x ] does not include any identifiable information (real usernames, project names, etc)
Edited by Weile Wei

Merge request reports