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add ssh key example

Stephen Bailey requested to merge sbailey3/ into main

First time contribution to NERSC docs: I added an example of how to specify which sshproxy key to use for collaboration accounts, i.e.

ssh -i $HOME/.ssh/your_collab_acct

Beyond the baseline: there is probably a one time update to .ssh/config so that simple ssh would automatically pickup the correct key while at the same time not breaking ssh I don't know what that is, but it might be better to document that than document the ssh -i ... example.

The main point of this PR is that the current docs specify how to use to create the collaboration account key, without the extra hint of how to get ssh to actually use that key instead of the personal account key.

Question: is "perlmutter-p1" an acceptable example host, or would you prefer "cori" or "saul-p1"? It's unclear to me if "-p1" will remain in the name after phase 2 arrives and everything is integrated.

Submitters and reviewers please make sure

  • internal links are relative and to the .md file
  • avoid links named "here"
  • alt-text for images is descriptive
  • doesn't duplicate existing content
  • spell check
  • renders correctly
  • does not include any identifiable information (real usernames, project names, etc)
Edited by Stephen Bailey

Merge request reports