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Libxc related updates ... and some more

Roland Lindh requested to merge nq_libxc_standards into master

The numerical quadrature code is now using exactly the same definitions of rho, gradrho, sigma, tau, and the laplacian as Libxc.

The standard for MC-PDFT functional is that the KSDFT functional is proceeded by T: or FT:, depending on if the functional is translated or fully-translated. Any specific MC-PDFT functionals are no longer hardcoded -- KSDFT functional still are.

The OreLYP GGA functional has been added.

The LDTF and NDSD options are merged together with the principle functionals.

Some cleanup of output while iterating has been implemented.

  • Documentation updated or not needed.
  • Test created or not needed.
  • Attribution in source files and updated if necessary.
Edited by Roland Lindh

Merge request reports