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Some fixes and additions from the Progress branch (v9 compatibility), plus added/finished the targeting mechanics

Thalissa requested to merge (removed):dev into master
  • Finished the token targeting mechanics from the Progress branch so they'll apply the penalty to the dicerolls now
  • Fixed a pesky issue where sometimes a dice would add an extra zero onto the end of a damage number in the chat card.
  • Also merges the v9 compatibility update I did, so that this branch can work on Foundry v9.

Important to note: The fixes to the tilts/conditions registering for v9 compatibility makes the system not work on older versions; thus, the minimum version if this gets merged should be changed to v9. Otherwise, though, the system works just fine from what I can tell. Whether this would be better in the dev branch or the master branch, I'll leave that up to you!

Edited by Thalissa

Merge request reports