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WIP: Momad

mosen requested to merge mosen/NoMAD:momad into Experimental

This merge represents several significant changes to NoMAD.

The first change is the introduction of the User class to replace NoMADUser. The User class encapsulates user authentication sources that implement a protocol called PasswordChangeable. Every class that implements PasswordChangeable can have its password verified and changed.

The User class is a wrapper around these auth sources:

  • Kerberos tickets
  • Local login keychain
  • Local OD User
  • (NOT IMPLEMENTED) LDAP user info source

In this way, passwords can be changed across multiple sources with a single facade.

There are many other changes, including:

  • A complete rewrite of the file share menu, which now supports NSPredicate conditions which are evaluated against UserInformation. ShareMounter was replaced by ShareManager in the process, and ShareMenuController added.
  • The loginwindow now contains 2 custom views for switching sets of controls on and off instead of manipulating those controls individually.
  • Replaced the logger implementation with one that uses a more succinct method signature style.
  • Reimplemented most of KerbUtil as the Kerberos class.

Merge request reports