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[wperf-driver, wperf] WPERF-636, WPERF-750: Enable ETW output on the application and driver


This MR adds ETW support for the driver and the app. It controls the output to the driver with the macro ENABLE_ETW_TRACING and to the app with ENABLE_ETW_TRACING_APP.

To install the manifest for the driver you just need to enter on an administrator command and type wevtutil.exe im .\wperf-driver-etw-manifest.xml make sure to uninstall first with um in case you already have a manifest installed. In order to have it working the manifest must point to a full path, so to install the app manifest you need to point to the resources in your local machine with wevtutil.exe /resourceFilePath:WPERF_EXE_FULL_PATH /messageFilePath:WPERF_EXE_FULL_PATH im .\wperf-etw-manifest.xml.

When you install the manifest for the application you might get the following warning

**** Warning: Publisher WindowsPerf App resources could not be found or are not accessible
to the EventLog service account (NT SERVICE\EventLog).

This does not interfere but to solve this you need to add the NT SERVICE\EventLog user to the access list of wperf.exe before installing.

To actually see the output you need to open the WPR and select a custom profile either wperf-wpr-profile.wprp or wperf-app-wpr-profile.wprp if you want to record the driver or app, or both ETW traces. Start recording and use WindowsPerf normaly. After you generate the .etl file you can open it on WPA.

If you open it directly on WPA you will see a list of events with provider either WindowsPerf App or WindowsPerf Driver. If you want to actually graph this you need to build the wpa-plugin-etl project from Once you build the plugin go to the directory with the .dll and type wpa -addsearchdir "$(pwd)". Make sure that the plugin was loaded going under Help->About and check to see if the WindowsPerf WPA Plugin ETL is listed.

Open your .etl trace file and select the plugin to use it. If you also selected xperf plugin to read the file and a single session you might get something similar to this


For now the ETW trace is just added to counting on both the driver and the app. You can disable both, just one or have all enabled like the sample above.

This MR was lightly inspired on 3d68bbd5

In this patch:

  • [wperf, wperf-driver] Update WPR profile description

  • [wperf] Include ETW on the app

  • [wperf-driver] Create a new macro, ENABLE_ETW_TRACING to control ETW output inside the driver

  • [wperf-driver] Include basic core PMU ETW support

  • [wperf-driver] Include WPR profile

  • [wperf-driver] Including basic structure for ETW


Edited by Everton Constantino

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