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More leanLAPS GUI Updates

kwelaye-gl requested to merge (removed):kwelaye-gl-master-patch-77385 into master

More GUI updates intended to address the following the following:

  1. Automatically setup the Microsoft Graph InTune Module under the Current User's context, no admin rights required
  2. Change wording on setup failure to prompt the user to install just the Graph InTune module, which is much faster than installing the entire Graph module
  3. Remove the MSGraphEnvironment part of the initial function, as this is specified later in the script
  4. Fix exception error for if no device name was entered, and re-worked Graph URL to avoid exceptions on invalid URL characters
  5. Cleanup password displayed by the GUI to reflect the current leanLAPS.ps1 output and fixed the lastChanged variable
  6. Added function to hide script window after the GUI starts (Not before so that the user can see that the module is being setup)
  7. Local admin account is pulled from the remediation output instead of needing to be manually specified in the script

Please note that if future changes are made to the structure of the remediation output, then the GUI will likely break again.

Edited by kwelaye-gl

Merge request reports