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Remove devcontainer init devenv sh

Karl R. Wurst requested to merge remove-devcontainer-init-devenv-sh into main

Merge a feature branch into main

  • Review the work in the merge request.

If the work is not acceptable, make comments to the developers and return the merge request to Draft status.

If the work is acceptable, do the following on your local machine to squash the commits. The commands can be run from anywhere. They are shown as running from the root of the project. Replace featureBranch with the name of the feature branch in which to squash commits.

  • git checkout featureBranch

  • bin/

    When your editor opens,

    • Write a multi-line commit message

      • Line 1 is formatted correctly as a conventional commit
        • has the appropriate conventional commit type
        • has an appropriate message describing the squashed commit
      • blank line
      • List all co-authors on separate lines (e.g. Co-authored-by: name <>)
      • blank line
      • Last line contains a Closes statement with the issue number
    • Save the commit message and close your editor

  • git push --force origin $(git branch --show-current)

  • Do not check (or uncheck) the box for Squash commits when merge request is accepted.

  • Press the Merge button.

Edited by Karl R. Wurst

Merge request reports