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Solution to Faculty/Student advance error

El Jacoby requested to merge issue-489 into main

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Related Issues

Closes #489 (closed)


Will correct Guest Registration error that previously caused Student and Faculty members to be able to advance without inputting their N#.

Steps to Test

(List the steps needed to test this merge request here using bullets, for ex:)

  1. Press Guest Registration.
  2. Put in some bogus user info (10 digit number like 10 ones, that is not in the database I believe, or it will identify you rather than allow you as a guest) and an original name (try "Johnny Bravo" or "Fred Flintstone").
  3. Click "No permanent address" since there's no point wasting time on something irrelevant to the issue at hand.
  4. Try to advance. (You are on "Student" by default.)
  5. Switch to teacher, try to advance.
  6. If you failed both times, that's a success.

Relevant Screenshots


Relevant Logs

validInputNoNID = validStreetAddress1 & validCity & validZip & !validNID & (other.equals("Staff") | other.equals("Other"));

Developer Notes

(List any notes you have about what you did here using bullets, for ex:)

  • Went to path app/src/main/java/edu/ncc/nest/nestapp/GuestDatabaseRegistration/Fragments/
  • Used the "other" variable's affiliation string to add qualifications to the validation requirements for passing to the next fragment with no ID, which are stored in this Boolean variable called validInputNoNID, which is set to &-joined standards. I added an | and both possibilities, Staff and Other, to show that you can only advance with no ID if you're either of affiliation Staff or Other.
Edited by Darci Burdge

Merge request reports