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Adding a "No permanent residence" checkbox to the Second guest

Arwa Lokhandwala requested to merge issue_461_no_residence_checkbox into main

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Closes #461 (closed)


This merge request adds a new checkbox to the SecondFormFragment layout to allow users in temporary housing to continue registering without submitting an address.

Steps to Test

(List the steps needed to test this merge request here using bullets, for ex:)

  1. Start the registration process and continue to the second registration form.
  2. Select "No Permanent Residence" on the form, leaving blank the zip code, city name, and address fields. Continue filling out the information and click next. The app should move to the next form. Finish registering and check fields in the database. All address fields except State should contain "N/A"
  3. Start the registration process again and continue to the second registration form. Leave "No Permanent Residence" unchecked and try to continue with the address, zip code, and city name blank. You should get a warning that fields are blank and to fill in information to continue. Fill in the fields and finish registering.
  4. Check the database to ensure all data has been entered into the database correctly.

Relevant Screenshots

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Relevant Logs

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Developer Notes

(List any notes you have about what you did here using bullets, for ex:)

  • One new string added to strings.xml, Spanish translation needs to be updated
Edited by Lori Postner

Merge request reports