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Closes #465 (closed)


Changes the confirmation fragment message:

"Sorry! We couldn't find a guest associated with the following name and Phone number:"

(followed by a blank space)

"Please register to continue"

Alert users that checking into the local database via phone number is not allowed.

Steps to Test

(List the steps needed to test this merge request here using bullets, for ex:)

  1. Connect to the Remote Database
  2. Go to Manual Check-in and attempt to check-in with a valid barcode. This should return the standard valid barcode message.
  3. Attempt to check-in with an invalid barcode. This should return the standard invalid barcode message.
  4. Attempt to check-in with a valid phone number (make sure the barcode field is empty). This should return the standard valid phone number message.
  5. Attempt to check-in with an invalid phone number (make sure the barcode field is empty). This should return the standard invalid phone number message.
  6. Disconnect from the Remote Database(disconnect from wifi if necessary)
  7. Go to Manual Check-in and attempt to check-in with a valid barcode. This should return the standard valid barcode message.
  8. Attempt to check-in with an invalid barcode. This should return the standard invalid barcode message.
  9. Attempt to check-in with a valid or invalid phone number (make sure the barcode field is empty). This should inform the user phone number check-in for the local db is not allowed.

Relevant Screenshots

Screenshot 2023-12-20 154110.png

Screenshot 2023-12-20 153747.png

Relevant Logs

(Paste any relevant logs here.)

Developer Notes

(List any notes you have about what you did here using bullets, for ex:)

  • Note 1
  • Note 2
  • Note 3

Merge request reports