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Adjusting phone number format for FirstFormFragment

Arwa Lokhandwala requested to merge issue_460_fxing_phone_num into main

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Closes #460 (closed)


This merge request will no longer allow users to proceed with registering if the phone number input is incorrectly formatted. Only allows users to continue if the phone number is input in "XXXXXXXXXX" format and warns users to remove dashes if input.

Steps to Test

  1. Begin with guest registration in the first form.
  2. Try entering 10 digits with dashes and try to proceed ie: 888-999-00 , the UI should present a warning.
  3. Try entering less than 10 digits and try to proceed ie: 123456 , the UI should present a warning that a valid phone number must be input.
  4. Enter a full phone number and try to proceed. The app should allow you to move on to the next form.

Relevant Screenshot!step33


Relevant Logs

(Paste any relevant logs here.)

Developer Notes

(List any notes you have about what you did here using bullets, for ex:)

  • Two new strings were added to the strings.xml file that need to be updated with Spanish translations.
Edited by Arwa Lokhandwala

Merge request reports