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Issue #391 solution

ego Agct requested to merge check-expiration-issue#391 into main

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By submitting this issue or commenting on this issue, or contributing any content to this issue, you certify under the Developer Certificate of Origin that the content you post may be licensed under GPLv3 (for code) or CC-BY-SA 4.0 International (for non-code content).

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(if true expiration date/pantry expiration date is unknown show storage tips as discard by printed expiration date) @burdged ready to merge

Steps to Test

(List the steps needed to test this merge request here using bullets, for ex:)

(1.Scan an item (or enter the same UPC Barcode) for an item already in the database, click ENTER (This will show it in the ConfirmItem UI) confirm item 3.check to see if the storage tips show(look at the posted screenshots to see 2 items to compare with each other(grey question mark screenshot is from product-dips with category-Dairy Products & Eggs type-sour cream based; while the green checkmark screenshot is from product-crackers category-Shelf Stable Foods type-N/A )).

Relevant Screenshots

(Screenshot_2023-05-07_at_7.18.25_PMScreenshot_2023-05-07_at_8.34.27_PM! Screenshot_2023-05-15_at_11.56.13_AM)

Relevant Logs

(Paste any relevant logs here.)

Developer Notes

(List any notes you have about what you did here using bullets, for ex:)

  • just added a set text.
  • suppressed annotations when using a String in the set text method.
  • Note 3
Edited by ego Agct

Merge request reports