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Resolve "storage type does not always show up as N/A when not available in moreinfo but sometimes shows up blank"

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When pantryLife != null but storage tips is null (in more info), the storage tips displayed nothing while it should have displayed N/A. Issue is now fixed, N/A is displayed.

Steps to Test

(List the steps needed to test this merge request here using bullets, for ex:)

  1. Create a Shelf Stable Foods item Crackers (remember UPC barcode)
  2. Go to more info
  3. Scroll down and check to make sure N/A is displayed on both Storage Type and Storage Tips

Relevant Screenshots


Relevant Logs

            // Display pantry life information

            if (pantryLife != null) {

                ((TextView) view.findViewById(
                        .setText(pantryLife.getDesc() != null ? pantryLife.getDesc() : "N/A");

                ((TextView) view.findViewById(
                        .setText(pantryLife.getTips() != null ? pantryLife.getTips() : "N/A");

            } else {

                ((TextView) view.findViewById("N/A");

                ((TextView) view.findViewById("N/A");


Developer Notes

(List any notes you have about what you did here using bullets, for ex:)

  • I just copied the conditional thing that displays N/A from Storage Tips and added it to Storage type and changed .getTips() to .getDesc(), as can be seen from the screenshot and the java code
Edited by ego Agct

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