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Fixing issue#380

ego Agct requested to merge check-expiration-issue#380 into main

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(will solve issue 380 by if conditional if a subcategory is null for an item don't include subcategory in the getCategories method) @burdged We are ready to merge.

Steps to Test

(List the steps needed to test this merge request here using bullets, for ex:)

  1. Scan or manually enter a UPC Barcode, click SELECT CATEGORY.
  2. look at the subcategories which appears after the category name and '-'

Relevant Screenshots

(Post any relevant screenshots here.)

Relevant Logs

going to add Log.d("##SubCategoryIsNOTNull",cursor.getString(SUBCATEGORY_NAME));
going to add Log.d("##SubCategoryIsNull",cursor.getString(SUBCATEGORY_NAME));

Developer Notes

(List any notes you have about what you did here using bullets, for ex:)

  • (It is most likely that data fields of a record that are empty contain the String value of null being "null" )
Edited by ego Agct

Merge request reports