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Added async task into the GuestRegistrySource class to diverge from using the...

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#348 (closed) #349 (closed) #339 (closed) #369 (closed)


This merge request will allow users to register their data onto the remote database and be stored there instead of the local database, sqlite. This merge request also includes ways to work with credentials so they are not being exposed to the GitLab repository.

Steps to Test

  1. Run the app and in the root directory, check if a file was created.
  2. Replace the values inside the GUEST_REGISTRY_DB_USERNAME and the GUEST_REGISTRY_DB_PASSWORD fields with the Guest Registry database credentials.
  3. Terminate the app and run it again.
  4. Click on GUEST FORMS.
  6. Go through the entire registration form.
  7. Once the form is completed and the success message is displayed, check the remote database to see if the data was actually stored in the remote database.

Relevant Screenshots

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Relevant Logs

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Developer Notes

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Merge request reports