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Changing ui layout to have a theme

Jonathan Fuentes requested to merge issue_#327_changing_ui into main

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Changed colors of the UI to better fit the ncc theme

Steps to Test

(List the steps needed to test this merge request here using bullets, for ex:)

  1. Step 1 open up the nest app
  2. Step 2 click the login button on the top left next to future efforts
  3. Step 3 you should be able to observe the old login page with the new colors

Relevant Screenshots

Relevant Logs

(Paste any relevant logs here.)

Developer Notes

(List any notes you have about what you did here using bullets, for ex:)

  • Note 1 changed the blue button name and color
  • Note 2 changed background color to be orange
  • Note 3 tried several other backgrounds that I didn't like I plan on planning them out on a software before trying to implement it on code since there's a lot of ui things I still need to learn

Merge request reports