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Added methods to the file to query the database for relevant user report files

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Created the database methods necessary for the feature from issue #329 (closed)


The public database methods necessary for issue #329 (closed) have been created, and can be called from any class.

Steps to Test

(List the steps needed to test this merge request here using bullets, for ex:)

  1. Use a QuestionareHelper object in your code somewhere.
  2. Call one of the 4 new methods to get an integer result of the desired value
  3. Use that result as needed in your code.

Relevant Screenshots

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Relevant Logs

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Developer Notes

Added 4 methods to the class for pulling the neccessary information from the QuestionaireSubmissions database.

  1. getTotalVisitors counts the number of guests visits to the NEST in a given month
  2. getTotalServed counts the number of people served by those guest visits based on each guest's family size in a given month
  3. getTotalServedByAge filters the results of getTotalServed into specific age groups
    1. getTotalPersonVisits counts the number of times a specific guest has visited the NEST in a given month

Merge request reports