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Finished summary fragment and fifth form fragment

Richard Kim requested to merge issue_274_and_275_summary_fragment into main

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Related Issues

Closes: #262 (closed) Input should be validated #264 (closed) The data is sent from the 5 fragments to the summary fragment #272 (closed) Finished the first fragment #274 (closed) Finished the base UI #275 (closed) Finished the java to get all of the information


This will add the fifth form fragment and finish gathering all of the information from the previous 5 form fragments. This closes issues 274 and 275 since

Steps to Test

  1. Make sure that the app doesn't crash when navigating through the fifth and summary fragment
  2. Make sure that the data is being retrieved properly
  3. Test the fifth fragment

Relevant Screenshots

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Relevant Logs

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Developer Notes

(List any notes you have about what you did here using bullets, for ex:)

  • Added fifth form fragment
  • Finished summary fragment
  • Refactored and renamed some options (buttons in 4th and 5th fragment, 3rd form fragment 1 year old exclusive)
  • Added back button for fifth form fragment and summary fragment
  • Added an array for a spinner in the 5th form fragment
Edited by Matt Brevetti

Merge request reports