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Adding placeholders to multiselect popup

Matt Brevetti requested to merge issue_297_placeholders_on_multiselect into main

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Related Issues

Closes #297 (closed) and #298 (closed)


This merge request will move the "select all that apply" option out of the multiselect's options list and instead inject it as a title on the popup dialog.

Steps to Test

  1. Open AVD
  2. Navigate to Fragment 3 (this is where multiselect shows up)
  3. Click on each of the inputs.
  4. The single selects should look like a simple spinner dropdown. The multiselects should appear as a pop-up dialog.
  5. On the dialog, confirm that "Select all that apply" appears at the top and has no checkbox. Confirm that there is no checkable option reading "select all that apply"


  • Without making any selections, close the dialog box. The UI for that field should say "Select All That Apply"
  • Select an item, then close. The UI should update to the selection. Keep doing this to confirm selections save appropriately.
  • Next, test the "Clear All" button by making selections and clearing them. After clearing, close the dialog box and confirm the UI changed back to "Select All That Apply". Also try clearing, making selections, then closing and confirming the UI updated to the new selections.
  • Finally, test the "Close" button with a variety of different selections and scenarios and confirm that no selections get lost.

Relevant Screenshots


Relevant Logs

(Paste any relevant logs here.)

Developer Notes

  • First part is easy, just adding a method call from AlertDialog.Builder. However, this doesn't solve showing the placeholder on the UI screen before a user taps it. Will have to look into that piece as well.
  • It's possible to make a custom view and apply it to dialog boxes like this. Therefore, those 'close' and 'clear' buttons can theoretically be placed into their own buttons floating at the bottom, etc. This has not been implemented, but it's good to note for future devs trying to enhance the UI.
Edited by Matt Brevetti

Merge request reports