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Updating the buttons in the launch UI

M Shadows requested to merge issue_265_updatebuttons_in_launch_ui into main

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Branch Name

#265 (closed)

Related Issues

Closes #265 (closed)


This merge will update the buttons in the launch UI.

Steps to Test

(List the steps needed to test this merge request here using bullets, for ex:)

  • check expiration date will be a little bigger, have an icon and be placed side by side with the guest forms button. (after several tests I decided to put the buttons on top of each other instead of side by side)
  • display true date button will be deleted from the UI.
  • the Home button will be deleted from the app bar.

Relevant Screenshots


Relevant Logs

(Paste any relevant logs here.)

Developer Notes

@lpostner Professor this was already tested and is ready to be merged.

GitLab UI

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Edited by M Shadows

Merge request reports