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Updating the way true expiration date is calculated

Tyler Sizse requested to merge updating_exp_date_calculation into master


N/A. I would consider this as a enhancement, but there is no enhancement template yet, so I didn't make a issue for this.


Depends on 1 merge request being merged: !218 (merged)


Fixing the way true expiration date is calculated so that it is calculated using the Calendar class instead of manually trying to calculate the date. This helps keep the code clean, easy to understand, and helps prevent any calculation errors.

This merge request also includes some extra enhancements for DisplayTrueExpirationFragment:

  • General layout clean-up/organization
  • "Printed Expiration Date" label
  • "Shelf Life" label
  • "Storage Type" label
  • "Storage Tips" label


  1. Go to the 'Check Expiration Date' feature within the app.
  2. Scan or enter a barcode.
  3. Fill in the required information if in SelectItemFragment, or press confirm if in ConfirmItemFragment.
  4. Select a random date.
  5. Press 'Accept'.

Confirm that the date is still being properly calculated.

[Printed expiration date] + [Min/max of the shelf life's metric] = [True expiration date]


  • Merged branch issue_220_printed_expiration_date from MR !218 (merged) into this branch.
  • Converted DisplayTrueExpirationFragment to use Calander class instead of hard coding the true expiration date calculation.
  • Added log statement.
  • Updated DisplayTrueExpirationFragment and its layout to include printed-expiration-date, storage-type, and storage-tips labels.
  • Removed unnecessary "Display True Expiration Date" button from DisplayTrueExpurationFragment
  • "Storage Tips" label will display "N/A" if there is no storage tips for the current item.
  • Added a "Shelf Life" label that displays the range and metric of the item's shelf life.
  • Updated "True Expiration Date" to show the range of expiration instead of just the max.


Here is a screenshot of the new DisplayTrueExiprationFragment layout with Dough selected as the product:



NEST component:check-expiration-date type::enhancement status::done

Edited by Tyler Sizse

Merge request reports