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Fixing issue with the back button;

Tyler Sizse requested to merge issue_131_fix_back_button into master

Closes #131 (closed). Right now there is an issue when using the back button when navigating through the guest visit fragments. It creates multiple stacks of the same scanner fragment after pressing a rescan button in the

TO SEE ISSUE (master): To see the issue I'm talking about, navigate to the guest visit scanner in the app (Guest Forms -> Guest Visit Check In (Local Database)). Scan a Code 39 barcode and press the Confirm Scan button. When you get to the GuestScanConfirmationFragment press the rescan button or 'not you?' button. You should now be at the scanner. Each time you repeat this it will create another stack. Now, press the back button. You should see that it took you back to a previous instance of the scanner. That's the issue.

TESTING (merge): Navigate to the guest visit scanner in the app (Guest Forms -> Guest Visit Check In (Local Database)). Scan a Code 39 barcode and press the Confirm Scan button. When you get to the GuestScanConfirmationFragment press the Rescan button or 'Not You?' button. You should now be at the scanner. Now, press the back button. Confirm that you are now at the GuestFormTesting Activity.

NOTE: I also did a small clean-up to some comments, imports, and removed some redundant cast throughout the fragments related to the guest visit.

Edited by Tyler Sizse

Merge request reports