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  • Kwoth's avatar
    - Music related commands reimplemented · 377636ab
    Kwoth authored
    - Considered alpha state
    - Completely custom music code
    - Song and playlist caching (faster song queue after first time)
    - Much faster song playing and skipping once the songs are in the queue
    - Higher quality audio
    - Songs on (mostly) windows which have UTF8 characters now work properly if they didn't previously
    - Some commands removed because of complexity they bring in with little value
        - if you *really* want them back, you can open an issue
    - Local tracks will now have durations if you have ffprobe installed (comes with ffmpeg)
    - Bot supports joining a different vc without skipping the song if you use ".j"
        - **DO NOT DRAG THE BOT** to another vc, it's not properly supported atm, and you will have to do `.play` after dragging it
    - Prefer using ".j / .join" before other music commands, but not necessary