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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v6.35.1
    011aa54d · Update Project.toml ·
    [Diff since v6.35.0](
    **Closed issues:**
    - Cannot resize integrator when using reshape inside SavingCallback (#1809)
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Use `promote_type`/ `eltype` instead of indexing (#1810) (@oscardssmith)
    - revert changes in #1810 (initdt) (#1813) (@oscardssmith)
  • v6.35.0
    [Diff since v6.34.1](
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Bump lower bound for nlsolver cleanup (#1807) (@ChrisRackauckas)
  • v6.34.1
    ac9e5b90 · patch ·
    [Diff since v6.34.0](
  • v6.34.0
    bc4bf177 · Update Project.toml ·
    [Diff since v6.33.3](
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Remove any dependence of the nlsolve pieces from DiffEqBase (#1806) (@ChrisRackauckas)
  • v6.33.3
    499e7e2b · Update Project.toml ·
    [Diff since v6.33.2](
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Update ambiguity tests (#1805) (@ChrisRackauckas)
  • v6.33.2
    21bed87a · Update Project.toml ·
    [Diff since v6.33.1](
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Fix ArrayFuse broadcast overload (#1771) (@ChrisRackauckas)
  • v6.33.1
    c2ef9f89 · fix retcodes ·
    [Diff since v6.33.0](
  • v6.33.0
    16a342f4 · Update Project.toml ·
    [Diff since v6.32.0](
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Remove CompositeSolution (#1804) (@ChrisRackauckas)
  • v6.32.0
    71bd5af9 · Update Project.toml ·
    [Diff since v6.31.2](
    **Closed issues:**
    - In-place error estimate fails with arrays of `FieldVector`s (from StaticArrays.jl) (#1799)
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Bump exponentialutilities (#1785) (@ChrisRackauckas)
    - reproducible docs (#1796) (@ArnoStrouwen)
    - Optimize QNDF's step size control (#1798) (@YingboMa)
    - doc test and diagram compat (#1800) (@ArnoStrouwen)
    - [skip ci] badges (#1801) (@ArnoStrouwen)
    - switch to SimpleNonlinearSolve (#1803) (@ChrisRackauckas)
  • v6.31.2
    fb807b2b · Update Project.toml ·
    [Diff since v6.31.1](
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Update return codes on composite solutions (#1795) (@ChrisRackauckas)
  • v6.31.1
    8862fcbc · Update Project.toml ·
    [Diff since v6.31.0](
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - don't forget terminated (#1794) (@ChrisRackauckas)
  • v6.31.0
    e09eb234 · Update Project.toml ·
    [Diff since v6.30.1](
    **Closed issues:**
    - Segfault precompiling on Julia v1.7.2 (#1791)
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Update Benchmarks_WP_Rodas.jl (#1788) (@gstein3m)
    - switch `_unwrap_val` to `SciMLBase` (#1790) (@oscardssmith)
    - Update Symbol ReturnCodes to ReturnCode (#1793) (@ChrisRackauckas)
  • v6.30.1
    20834f4f · Update Project.toml ·
    [Diff since v6.30.0](
    **Closed issues:**
    - Model with DFBDF is in v6.30 unstable (#1787)
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Fix DAE Jacobian reuse (#1789) (@YingboMa)
  • v6.30.0
    99ae1a12 · Update Project.toml ·
    [Diff since v6.29.3](
    **Closed issues:**
    - Saving Jacobians created (#1773)
    - Adaptive LinearExponential no more works (#1784)
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Don't recompute Jacobian when it's fresh (#1780) (@YingboMa)
    - allow precompiling low-storage methods via preferences (#1786) (@ranocha)
  • v6.29.3
    643f9614 · Update Project.toml ·
    [Diff since v6.29.2](
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Check error after each `loop_header!` in `step!` (#1783) (@YingboMa)
  • v6.29.2
    120dc468 · another retcode fix ·
    [Diff since v6.29.1](
  • v6.29.1
    c008ee55 · fix retcode test ·
    [Diff since v6.29.0](
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - ci: use build matrix (#1782) (@thazhemadam)
  • v6.29.0
    57c549fa · format and tag ·
    [Diff since v6.28.1](
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Use `undefmatrix` instead of `zeromatrix` (#1778) (@oscardssmith)
    - Added modification and test to allow for AD of LinearExponential (#1779) (@aelmokadem)
    - Use a valid returncode (#1781) (@ChrisRackauckas)
  • v6.28.1
    [Diff since v6.28.0](
    **Closed issues:**
    - Better error message when `dt` cannot be converted to `ttype` (#1776)
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Fixed error for LinearExponential algorithm when using Callbacks (#1777) (@albertomercurio)
  • v6.28.0
    267615a9 · Update Project.toml ·
    [Diff since v6.27.2](
    **Closed issues:**
    - ImplicitEuler and ImplicitMidpoint try to convert LinearAlgebra.LU to LinearAlgebra.QR (#1764)
    - non-adaptive `step!` can get stuck in infinite loop (#1769)
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Update norecompile.jl (#1770) (@ChrisRackauckas)
    - Don't differentiate with respect to tolerances by default (#1772) (@ChrisRackauckas)
    - Check that saveat is non-empty before checking its first value in reinit (#1774) (@ChrisRackauckas)