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Add notifications for affiliations.

To test:

Make sure you have redis and maildev running

  1. bundle exec rails db:drop

  2. bundle exec rails db:create

  3. bundle exec rails db:schema:load

  4. bundle exec rails db:seed:development:users

  5. bundle exec rails db:seed:development:spaces

  6. bundle exec rails db:seed:development:projects

  7. bundle exec sidekiq -C config/sidekiq.yml

  8. bundle exec rails c

  9. Project.first.add_affiliation_to(Space.first) you'll see an email about a pending affiliation

  10. Affiliation.first.accepted! you'll see an email about an accepted affiliation

  11. Space.first.remove_affiliate(Project.first) you'll see an email about a destroyed affiliation

  12. Project.first.add_affiliation_to(Space.first) you'll see another email about pending affiliation

  13. Space.first.remove_affiliate(Project.first) you'll see an email about a rejected affiliation

Closes issue 781

Edited by Anthony Shull

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