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Rewrite buffs

hazel requested to merge hazel_meow/isleward:1832-buffs into master

Closes #1832 (closed)

Effect Stacking Design Summary

  • CC needs to be completely mitigated eventually, because any duration of stun can interrupt a cast
  • X instances of Y type of cc in Z timeframe, otherwise the cc is ignored
  • Squash's non-resetting stacks are an exception
  • (future) CC resistance should be reworked into new stats to mitigate durations
  • Effects should provide shouldStack(config)/incrementStack(config) methods to determine if a new effect of a matching type should be created or combined
  • If an effect type template doesn't have shouldStack, always make a new effect
  • XYZ check -> new duration mitigation -> shouldStack/incStack/new effect


  • Track effects by IDs instead of by types
  • Implement client-side effect objects w/ lifecycle (init, update, destroy)
  • Move auras to effect template
  • Implement sync-extending data to client effects
  • Replace noMsg with silent flag
  • Handle rezoning/death (should -stun/-slowed text show when an object is destroyed? what about when rezoning?)
  • Implement shouldStack & incrementStack
  • Fix uses of noMsg in addEffect
  • Fix uses of new in addEffect
  • Move buff icon management to client-side (remove onGetBuff/onRemoveBuff)
  • Create and use new silent selfStun effect (for charging/etc, that doesn't cancel damage but stops movement and casting)
  • Re-implement TTL stacking (create new method to stack ttl or create new effect if needed)
  • Test sync-extending data to client effects
  • Test (including with multiple players)
  • Test shouldStack/incStack
  • Remove debug logging
  • IDs of persisted effects? (should the ID stay the same, so later callbacks can still remove it? ID counter's interaction with rezoning?)

API changes

  • Removed noMsg from addEffect (use silent)
  • Removed new from addEffect
  • Removed removeEffectByName
  • effects.syncRemove now takes only an effect ID (removed type and noMsg parameters)
  • effects.removeEffect now takes only an effect ID (removeEffect destroys the effect first and remove it from the array and calls syncRemove; syncRemove removes it on the client-side)

Other Changes/Additions

  • Removed double popup text from ice spear
  • Client-side effects have lifecycle methods (init, update, destroy) and setVisible method
  • Call this.defaultDamageText(removing: boolean) from custom effect init/destroy methods to create the default popup text
  • Client-side effects also have this.obj, this.self (boolean)
  • Server-side effects can call this.syncExtend(data: object) to call the matching extend(data) function with the data on the client-side effect object, or copy the properties from the data object on to the client-side effect object
  • Server-side effects have this.silent for changing their behavior
  • Updated existing spells/effects


  • Show target's effects in target UI
  • Show party member's effects?
  • Visually show durations/stacks of effects
  • Indicate CC resists and when they kick in/wear off
  • Tooltips on effect icons
  • Add particles to existing effects?
  • New stats to mitigate CC duration before applying
  • Balance XYZ cc resist + duration mitigation stats
  • Tags for mobs that make them fully immune to a type of cc (no knockbacks for bosses, etc; use canApplyEffect to check before doing pushbacks WITHOUT incrementing the cc resist counter)
  • Cache onBeforeGetEffect requests (build a dict at startup instead of emitting on each buildEffect)
  • Self vs non-self effect syncing (when needed)
Edited by hazel

Merge request reports